Inception report sample mixteca project evaluation. The european union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained in this document. As we recommend in chapter 6, a full sesa is required next to proceed to a wider. Structure of the inception report the next section describes the activities during the inception phase and key issues which were discussed between consultants, counterpart and beneficiaries. A brief version page 1 of 23 1 executive summary sustainable water integrated management swim. Inception report learning events 3 subsequently, individual ngos were randomly selected from each sector group, 2 from the health sector, 6 from the education sector, 2 from agriculture sector and 14 from the composite group. Odi report local government authority lga fiscal inequities and the challenges of disadvantaged lgas i acknowledgements this inception report presents the initial understanding of the assignment of the consultant team and the proposed work plan for completion of the assignment.
Village selections the contract requirement to include in the inception report update of the status of vlc, vlup and ccro registrations in all 26 in number option 1 villages in the kilombero valley. This selection was undertaken after having first determined the required size for the sample of ngos for. Changes in project circumstances since eu approval. The report concludes by setting out the work plan and use of resources to be carried out in the ta. Ocha evaluation of countrybased pooled funds, inception report 3 table of contents acronyms 5 glossary of terms 6 1. Drafting inception report, phase i work plan and commentary on proposed modifications to the terms of reference. Are you someone on the lookout for a sample inspection report. To assist with the development of policy and institutional arrangements conducive for the integration and provision of offgrid electricity services within the. Section 3 gives information on the final project model, as formulated jointly in the inception phase. The inception report describes what has happened in the ta, the mobilising of the ta consultants, the working relationship with the executing and implementing agency ipppd of med, and activities to date. The absolute first inception report was in fact written by the.
Inception report template for filling in form to access a form and timeline to fill in. Find a sample of an inception report online that uses a consultancy inception report template, world bank format or ability database format. The opinion stated in this report reflects the opinion of the authors and not the opinion of the european commission. This was thoroughly redrafted in the light of comments and a revised inception report ir26 was submitted in march. The inception report should be originally written by the applicant. Sampling of loans and grants details of the sample design are given in annex 2. It is the only programme in the united nations system specifically. A first draft inception report ir1,5 was discussed at a steering group sg meeting on 12 february 2004. Water governance in line with green economy requirement 17. The study will include a methodology and reporting template for collecting beneficial ownership information from the oil, gas and mining companies in tanzania. The inception report begins by presenting the background and context for the assignment before confirming the objectives and scope. Instructions for the preparation of inception report iisee. Take note of the following points if you are preparing a site inspection report. This inception report from scanstat describes the state of play in the major.
Executive summary page c dam and powerhouse site and surroundings including construction sites, construction camps, quarries, borrow and disposal areas, etc. Small hydropower mapping and improved geospatial electrification planing indonesia inception report ii id. Review of the existing situation and preparation of an an inception report for the project. Country reporting template word document, providing the structure for. This report includes background information and a brief description of project context. Sm is a regional technical support programme, funded by the european union. Detailed guidelines for the format of the country reports. The following guidelines serve the evaluation team in preparing the inception report, which is not to exceed six pages without annexes. Pdf sample inception report unedited ayebare eunice. Changes in risk assessment and proposed mitigation approaches. The inception report is a means of ensuring mutual understanding of the. The inception report should include the data collection worksheet, annex i of this checklist. To implement three different delivery models targeting different enduser groups and making use of different pv and pvlpgbased technology packages.
Summative country evaluations in a sample of 22 countries, which will be conducted at or around. Style guidelines for preparation of final reports and documents page 9 3. Section two then presents our approach and methodology followed, in section three, with our proposed structure for the report which. This report gives details of the inception phase of the project and the preparatory work that has been undertaken, together with issues arising from initial discussions with crown agents and other activities to date. Purpose and background of the inception report 8 project management and governance 10 green growth in the context of kazakhstan progress towards achieving output targets during inception period 16 result 1. Ensuring close cooperation of the key stakeholders. Commercial inspectors are tasked to in checking or inspecting business firms or companies in compliance with building regulations set forth by the city or state. Revised inception report global partnership for education. The inception report ir is a working document until approved, after which time it will form the.
Nordic partnership initiative pilot programme inception report introduction 6 1. Background european union official development assistance 2. Stakeholder analysis1 identify key stakeholder groups and provide an analysis of the levels of influence and interest each stakeholder group has over the project outcomes. It aims at promoting the extensive dissemination of sustainable water management.
An outline of the contents of the transport services training course is given together with an estimated schedule of activities. Inception report page vi this evaluation ill use wellestablished evaluation criteria of relevance, effectiveness,w efficiency, impact and sustainability. The project development and direct objectives are summarized as well. Project inception report global wind energy council. The example of a commercial property inspection report in pdf shown on the page is an free examples of report from such an inspector. A22r1r1 inception report april 2009 i client european commission, dg environment title inception report project ourcoast abstract ourcoast is a threeyear project commissioned by the general directorate dg environment of the european commission to support and ensure the.
The rights of customary landowners will be secured by law, and in a manner which is consistent with article 102 of the constitution, in relation to all aspects of the process for leasing customary land, and for mortgaging such leasehold interests. This area will be affected in a relevant and permanent way by the project, and therefore it will be a high intensity area for field investigations. Format styles throughout the entire report one single font verdana is used, thus in different styles and sizes. Inception report rebotswana terminal evaluation final. The inception report addresses the list of contents as provided in the contract section c p 19. Countries not visited in the inception period, as agreed with eib, were. This inception report is the first deliverable for the ex post evaluation of cohesion. It is important to check that methods draw on both subjective and objective sources of data which can provide a balanced and insightful report. Clear mid term evaluation inception report epact iii list of tables and figures table 2. Annex 6 inception report and data collection tools. Draft inception report progressive realisation of the incomaputo agreement prima study for the implementation of the permanent solution in the lower usuthu breach salomon lda.
Review all available data on the current road safety situation in the kyrgyz republic, and propose a set of indicators for progress monitoring, including assessment of the required resources financial, human, technical, etc. Then, you can check out sample inspection report templates available online. The large differences among experts over the evaporation rate of the dead sea hypersaline water body section 6. This is a revised version of the inception report of the dg regio study on promoting multilevel governance in support of europe 2020, presented one month after the start of the study. The present final inception report responds to comments on the previous drafts.
Guidance on the structure and contents of the inception. This inception report builds on the terms of reference to outline the purpose of the investigation and identifies the detailed areas of assessment. It sets out the conceptual framework to be used in an evaluation, the key evaluation questions and methodology, including information on data sources and. Governance, social development, conflict and humanitarian. Inception report united nations development programme. The revised report mainly presents the single tasks ahead, based on our tender and taking into account the comments and discussions during the first steering. Project document and revisions, mtemtr if any 1 page narrative and completed assessment of pdq template 4. For example analysis of the oc allocations do reveal significant disparities in allocation, but if combined with the health basket fund where no. An inception report, written before project activities begin, details how the project will be carried out and how various aspects will be evaluated.
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